Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Moving Day!

Today we officially moved back into our house. The triplets had been living at Nana and Pop Pop's house for almost all of their 11 months. Plus, Erin and I had been there for the last few months of Erin's pregnancy (the house has central air and a big tv). So we figured it was finally time to try it out on our own.

So after a month full of painting, cleaning, cat-hair removing, sorting, organizing, and baby-proofing, the house is finally ready for us. It's odd to be back in our home after being away for so long (and the 2007 calendar on the wall reminds us how quickly these past 11 months have gone). But the kids all seem to love the place, and we managed to squeeze them into the nursery for bedtime. For once we are sleeping without a crib in our bedroom!

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