Thursday, April 10, 2008

By the Numbers

It's been a while since I posted a daily list of facts and figures for raising these triplets. So here we have our current monthly averages, extrapolated from a single day to an estimated 30-day month.

Bottles - 450 (15 x day)
Cans of Formula - 45 (1.5 cans x day)
Diapers - 630 (18 cloth x day, 3 paper x day)
Diaper Wipes - 1,260 (2 per change, on average...sometimes many more)
Outfit Changes - 240 (8 x day)
Tubs of Baby Food - 150 (5 tubs x day)
Boxes of Oatmeal - 1 (6 scoops x day)
Jars of Applesauce - 1 (varies)
Bananas - 15 (1 x day, if we have them)
Loads of Laundry - 60 (2 loads x day)
Advil Pills - 180 (6 x day for the five of us)
Bottles of Wine - 10 (1 every three days...some bottles go quicker)

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