Wednesday, December 12, 2007

4 Month Checkup

Today we took the triplets to their 4 month doctor's appointment. We all eagerly looked forward to another round of 9 shots (plus 3 by mouth), and anticipated the horror of another long night of screaming - especially since their reactions are supposed to be worse the second time around. On the plus side, we could get their latest facts and figures about their growth.

The measuring part of the appointment went great. Arthur now weighs 14 lbs (going from 9th percentile at birth to 33rd), Betty weighs 13 lbs 10 oz (going from 5th to 54th percentile), and Coraline weighs 12 lbs 10 oz (from 5th to 32rd). The doctor thought they were all still doing well, and when she saw Arthur chewing on my finger, she said "Don't tell me he's teething already!" Yep, soon we're going to have a bunch of droolers on our hands.

The shots went better than could be expected. They all cried hysterically, but somehow it didn't seem as bad as their first round. Perhaps the fact that they have all been crying for the past few days (because they have been too tired to take naps) prepared us for today. Arthur recovered first, and took a long nap when he came home. Now we just have to help them get through the next 24-48 hours of soreness.

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