This morning city works came over to fix the leaking water main in the front of our house. We spent over 3 hours watching them cut through the street, dig a giant hole, and replace the broken pipes. It was quite exciting!
The last time we took the kids to the cascades, we carried them the four miles on our backs. This time, they jogged ahead of us on the trail. We spotted many strange creatures, like large salamanders and creepy centipedes. And then we had lunch on the rocks by the stream. We had tons of fun, and though we only made it halfway, we can't wait to hike the whole trail next time.
Today we took the kids to our garden to pick the piles of blackberries that have ripened. Everyone was a great help. Betty picked her whole basket without eating a single one (since it isn't on her list of "edible" fruits - pears, bananas, and peeled apples). Coraline ate all of hers.
Today was the last day that the kids were in Violet Room. Next year, we think they will be with their friends in Jade Room, for a five day preschool program. We think they did better this year with their graduation song (last year Betty had to be held the whole time).
Betty wanted a picture taken of the necklace she made. She used her scissors and carefully cut it out of an activity book, and she was so proud of her accomplishment!
We went to Grandma and Grandpa's house in Richmond this weekend, so that we could attend the Greek Festival. Beforehand, we played at the children's museum, and then headed out in the heat to try some Greek food for lunch. Cora liked dancing (with a Greek donut-filled mouth), but we were so hot afterwards that we had to stop and share a glass of lemonade.
Pop Pop signed up for some open gym classes for the kids. They love going each week and playing with all of the various stations. (unfortunately I took the video sideways with my cell phone)